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What You Should Know About Medical Malpractice Cases

What You Should Know About Medical Malpractice Cases

Recent data shows that Americans file over 17,000 medical malpractice lawsuits yearly, so the myth that upset patients let the malpractice slide is exactly that: a myth. In fact, some specialties see a greater number in malpractice lawsuits than others, a fact that doesn’t come as a shock once you know the facts about medical malpractice lawsuits. It’s reported that over 200,000 people die each year because of medical malpractice, a number that will shock anybody, whether they be a patient, doctor, or loved one.

According to research, there are many different specialties that see the most malpractice lawsuits. First, oncologists at number ten, with 9% of all oncologists facing a lawsuit each year, urologists find themselves with 10% facing malpractice lawsuits, plastic surgeons with 12.7%, cardiovascular surgeons with 18%, and neurosurgeons with 19.9% facing a malpractice lawsuit each year. The data isn’t too surprising when you think about how fragile the brain and heart can be, compared to something else, like the urinary tract.

If you find yourself a victim of medical malpractice, know that you are not alone. Medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the United States, which means a lot of people are staying quiet when a loved one wrongfully dies at the hand of the cardiovascular or neurosurgeon they trusted. In 2012, over $3 billion was spent paying off the families of people that suffered from medical malpractice- this means, every forty-three minutes another person is receiving money for medical malpractice from a hospital or doctor. Medical malpractice is defined as anytime a doctor strays away from the “standard of care” that is designed by doctors and medical professionals. The second a doctor causes injury or harm in any way to a patient by straying from the “standard of care” that they are supposed to follow, medical malpractice has been done, and it’s in the patient’s best interest to open up a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Doctors are aware that an apology can save them from a lawsuit a lot of the time, so be on the watch for any obvious signs of guilt. On top of that, insurance companies like to settle out before a patient goes as far as hiring a lawyer for their medical malpractice suit because the patient could be rewarded more money if the lawyer is involved, and hospitals know this.

The first step to follow if you’re suffering from medical malpractice in West Columbia or the surrounding areas is to contact a West Columbia Medical Malpractice lawyer immediately. By reviewing your patient history and the case details, the lawyer will be able to give you the best help that they possibly can in your lawsuit against the doctor or hospital. Medical malpractice is one of the most complex personal injury cases to pursue, so taking your case to an attorney is going to be your best bet by far.
